Neutonic Review: Unlock Your Mind’s Potential with Neutonic, the Zero-Sugar Productivity Drink


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On November 3rd 2023 James Smith and Chris Williamson released Neutonic, a productivity drink. Neutonic is a research backed nootropic drink which has been designed from the outset to help with your productivity. Neutonic stands out with its zero-calorie, zero-sugar formula.

From the launch day it was clear that the founders had a hit on their hands. Initially launched in the US and the UK directly through their website and via Amazon it flew of the shelves. On both sides of the Atlantic it became the number 1 best seller in the Energy drink section on Amazon (which is no mean feat).

By the middle of November 2023 Neutonic had completely sold out both on, and their own website. Visitors were greeted with the message:

We are officially SOLD OUT across Amazon UK, USA and our website.

In this Neutonic review I will look at a diverse range of topics including taste, cost, the origins of the product, the formulation and ingredients, and the founders themselves in an attempt to understand this remarkable success.

From Concept to Can: How Neutonic Started

James Smith’s search for a natural energy drink alternative sparked the idea for Neutonic. Disenchanted with the taste and effects of traditional energy drinks, he envisioned a nootropic drink that could sustain focus and productivity.

He brought the concept to Chris Williamson who had long been interested in brain-enhancing nootropic drinks. They were able to tap into their audiences’ needs through extensive surveys, and identified a gap in the market for a drink that improves focus and productivity without the associated crashing.

Surveying their users: The People-Powered Development of Neutonic

Due to their huge combined audience the creators of this new productivity drink were able to survey about 15,000 of their users before coming up with this product idea. The three questions and the results of the survey were:

If you are not completely satisfied with your life currently, what do you feel is holding you back?

- Not enough focus 50.2%
- Not enough plan 43.2%
- Not enough money 36.1%
How would you describe your focus and energy levels?

- I am good first thing / last thing, but meh in the middle 53.7%
- Focus and energy is an issue for me 28.4%
- I can stay focused relentlessly all day 19.7%
How often do you get distracted when you sit down to work or study?

- Quite a bit 56.3%
- Sometimes, but only once or twice 36.9%
- I find it impossible to sit and get important things done 5.1%

With those results in hand the founders were able to produce a product which caters exactly to the needs of those surveyed and to a much wider potential group of people. In the launch video, with regards to those people surveyed and other like them, Chris Williamson says that:

….we took the research and we ensured that this fixes the problem that they have

James had been interested in creating a productivity drink for many years. His passion for energy drinks and nootropics made him uniquely suited to developing the formula. Meanwhile, Chris brought valuable business experience in launching new products and brands. Their complementary skill sets enabled them to tackle all aspects of creating a new drink from scratch.

The Founders

Who are the founders, and what makes them suitable to launch such a product?

Chris Williamson

Chris Williamson is perhaps best known for his “Modern Wisdom” podcast on Youtube. This podcast stands out in a saturated landscape with its long-form interviews that delve into a multitude of subjects, from philosophy and science to current events and personal hobbies.

Williamson’s dedication to professional growth is evident in the enhanced quality of the podcast, which has evolved through his work with various coaches. This commitment has paid off, with “Modern Wisdom” amassing over 80 million downloads and a substantial YouTube following of well over a million.

James Smith

James Smith has achieved multi-faceted success in many fields. For example as well as being a hugely influential and outspoken fitness influencer, he has also created a hugely successful Youtube channel with hundreds of thousands of subscribers and millions of views. James has also written three books that reached the Sunday Times bestseller list.

James is also something of an expert on productivity. In July 2023 he revealed he had been diagnosed with ADHD in a Youtube video called “well that makes sense”. This video received widespread praise for it’s honesty and forthrightness (traits which shine through in all of James’s work).

It is impossible to separate the drink itself from it’s founders. They are a major reason why the drink will attract the attention of many people. It is obviously a labor of love. Both of them have been working on it for a considerable period of time and it is obvious that they have both poured a lot of themselves into the whole creation process of the brand. Perhaps the biggest indicator that this product is worth trying is that both of the creators have a lot to lose. It seems highly improbable that they would promote something they weren’t happy to stand behind.

Chris and James Have a Shared Vision

Despite some creative tensions, Chris and James largely aligned on the goals for Neutonic. They shared a commitment to rigorous research and testing. Neither wanted to release a product making dubious claims or using substandard ingredients. The project took longer with both founders deeply involved, but they believe the results are superior. They plan to collaborate on future innovations as Neutonic continues growing.

Working Together

While proud of the end product, Smith admits the development process with his partner Williamson was sometimes turbulent. Despite some disagreements throughout the process, Chris and James were able to maintain a positive working relationship. Chris provided creative direction and branding while James oversaw the formulation and ingredients. In the end, their collaboration produced a unique product and brand that they are proud of.

The video above contains snippets of the design process, showing the great care and effort that was taken during the creation of the product. Even the design of the can went through many iterations (as highlighted in the video). From the colors chosen, to the eye design suggestive of focus and productivity, it’s clear that no effort was spared to get to this point.

Redefining Energy: Neutonic’s Place in the Cognitive Enhancement Revolution

Neutonic enters a growing market focused on natural cognitive enhancement. In a sea of sugary, crash-inducing options, Neutonic stands out as a more natural option to aid productivity and focus. The nootropics space has exploded in recent years, but ready-to-drink options lag far behind supplements. Neutonic enters this space with a strong formulation.

Neutonic aims to deliver research-backed ingredients in a convenient format. Its cognitive benefits differentiate it from traditional energy drinks.

What makes Neutonic Different? Holistic Productivity in Every Can

James has several times explained that Neutonic differs from energy drinks by offering what he calls “holistic productivity” benefits. It aims to enhance effectiveness and focused stamina during mentally demanding tasks, without depending on unnatural stimulation. The goal seems to be that the effects compound over time, improving baseline performance rather than providing a temporary rush.

AttributesNeutonicEnergy Drink and Coffee
Brain Health
Reduces Fatigue
Focus + Attention
Sustained Energy
Mental Clarity
Zero Sugar
Zero Calories
Researched Backed
Nootropic Ingredients
Made for Productivity100%0-20%

Creating the Formula

James and Chris tested the ingredients themselves and consulted a team of experts to ensure the doses were effective.

The Neutonic formulation contains several research-backed ingredients:

  • Cognizin: A citicoline shown to enhance focus, attention, and memory
  • Rhodiola rosea: An adaptogen that helps the body respond to stress and fatigue
  • Panax ginseng: Traditionally used in East Asia to reduce mental fatigue and aid concentration
  • Caffeine and L-theanine: Caffeine boosts alertness while L-theanine promotes calm focus

A key goal was making sure the drink contains efficacious doses of these ingredients, unlike many competitors that use proprietary blends.

Ingredient / FeatureNeutonicEnergy DrinkCoffee
Cognizin®500 mg00
Rhodiola Rosea400 mg00
L-Theanine400 mg00
Panax Ginseng200 mg00
Caffeine120 mg180 mg100 mg
Sugar015 g0
Research Backed
Made ForProductivityEnergyCaffeine

One important thing to note is that Neutonic is not a hydration drink it is a productivity drink. It doesn’t have the electrolytes, potassium, sodium, glucose or other ingredients commonly found in rehydration drinks. Those looking to hydrate should look at a specifically designed hydration beverage.

Backed by Science: A Deep Dive into Neutonic’s Cognitive Enhancing Ingredients

The founders of Neutonic, along with experts in the field, carefully selected research-backed ingredients shown to enhance productivity. Here’s an in-depth look at the compounds they chose and the studies supporting their benefits.

Cognizin (500 mg per can)

Think of your brain as a computer. Cognizin is like a software update that helps your brain run faster and smoother. In tests, people could think 12% quicker and remember things 20% faster than without it.

Cognizin is a branded form of citicoline, a natural brain-health nutrient. In a 2015 study on adolescent males, those taking Cognizin for 28 days showed improved attention compared to placebo. Another study found Cognizin reduced commission errors in adult women, indicating increased focus. Neutonic contains 500mg of Cognizin, the maximum effective dose.

Rhodiola Rosea (400 mg per can)

Ever feel too tired to think straight? Rhodiola Rosea is like a cup of coffee for your brain without the jitters. Studies show it helps clear the fog and makes you feel less burnt out after a long day.

This adaptogenic herb helps the body adapt to stress. A study on healthy physicians given rhodiola showed significant improvements in mental fatigue, concentration, and short-term memory during demanding shifts. The researchers concluded rhodiola has anti-fatigue effects that can enhance cognition.

Panax Ginseng (200 mg per can)

Imagine feeling sharp and on the ball but also chill at the same time. That's what Panax Ginseng can do. Research says it helps you focus better and keeps you feeling calm.

Used for centuries in traditional medicine, panax ginseng contains active compounds called ginsenosides. Research shows these ginsenosides can reduce mental fatigue, promote alertness, and improve working memory and reaction time. Neutonic includes a clinical dose of panax ginseng.

Caffeine (120 mg per can)

This stimulant in coffee and tea has well-known benefits for alertness and concentration. However, too much caffeine can impair sleep and feel jittery. Neutonic contains 120mg per can, providing an optimal dose of caffeine's cognitive-enhancing effects.

L-Theanine (400 mg per can)

L-theanine is a simple ingredient from tea that makes the good effects of caffeine even better and cuts down on the jitters and other downsides. When it's mixed with caffeine, people have found they can think faster, make fewer mistakes, and stay sharp. Plus, it helps give you a steady stream of energy without the crash later on.

L-theanine is an amino acid found in tea leaves. Studies show it amplifies caffeine's upsides while reducing unpleasant side effects. Combining the two ingredients improved speed, accuracy, and focus in one trial. L-theanine enables smooth, sustained energy.

Neutonic clearly has has an advantage over energy drinks by targeting productivity, not just alertness. Its ingredients combat fatigue, distractability, and mental fog without relying solely on caffeine. The formula provides both short and long-term cognitive benefits. The formula also cleverly makes use of the synergy between certain ingredients such as caffeine and L-theanine. The research clearly supports each component’s ability to boost focus, attention, and memory.

What sort of benefits might drinking Neutonic have?

Based on the ingredients in Neutonic, the synergy between them and the research behind them, here is how someone may feel after drinking it:

  1. Enhanced Focus and Alertness – The cognizin and panax ginseng will likely improve concentration, attention span, and alertness. Someone may notice they can stay on task longer without getting distracted.
  2. Reduced mental fatigue – Rhodiola and panax ginseng specifically help combat mental tiredness. Someone may feel like their mind feels fresher and less worn out.
  3. Steady, Calm energy – The L-theanine balances out the caffeine, providing an energized yet relaxed state. Someone may avoid the anxious jitters or crash of regular energy drinks.
  4. Elevated mood – The adaptogenic herbs like rhodiola can boost mood and feelings of well-being. Someone may feel more positive and motivated.
  5. Sharper Cognitive Function – With ingredients improving memory, reaction time, and focus, thinking may feel sharper and clearer. Mental performance is optimized.
  6. Lasting Effects – Unlike caffeine alone, the effects are designed to last over time with continued use. Someone may find consistent improvements in energy, productivity, and cognition.

Overall, someone drinking Neutonic should feel like the best version of themselves – energized yet calm, focused, clear-headed, and ready to take on mental challenges and tasks. The research-backed formula aims to put people “in the zone” and keep them there.

Flavor Meets Function: The Art of Perfecting Neutonic’s Signature Taste

James and Chris spent months taste testing to nail down Neutonic’s flavor profile. The goal was creating an enjoyable drinking experience masking the natural bitterness of ingredients like Rhodiola.

Chris and James tasted countless flavor iterations over months of development. They knew nailing the taste was critical for consumer adoption. There would be little point in creating a drink with a plethora of research-backed ingredients if the drink didn’t taste nice. According to the founders the final flavors significantly outperformed early prototypes and rival products. Hints that they have been successful came in the form of positive early reviews praising the flavor.

Finding the right balance of flavors and carbonation took trial and error. The carbonation level was kept low to avoid any digestive discomfort. Their persistence paid off with a light, refreshing drink consumers will enjoy and re-purchase. After months of taste testing, they settled on a signature flavor profile that outperformed mainstream energy drinks.

Neutonic is available in three different flavors: “WILD CITRUS”, “ORANGE SUNRISE” and “Tropical Ice”. Tropical Ice was launched later than the other two flavors, becoming available as of 28th November 2023.

The flavoring itself may provide cognitive advantages. Associating the taste with productivity can trigger a placebo-like focus boost from drinking Neutonic.


An outstanding feature of Neutonic that deserves attention is its remarkably low calorie content. Each 330ml can contains just 6 calories, a mere fraction compared to the several hundred calories found in many traditional energy drinks. While Neutonic is positioned as a productivity drink rather than a typical energy drink, this calorie comparison is noteworthy.

With only 6 calories, Neutonic is an excellent choice for those seeking to enhance their focus and productivity without the excess sugar and calories that are often associated with energy drinks. It offers the benefits of heightened alertness and concentration, sidestepping the pitfalls of consuming ’empty’ calories that contribute little nutritional value.

Zero Sugar

It’s no surprise that Neutonic, with its 6-calorie profile, is also completely sugar-free. This means you can enjoy the surge in productivity without the sugar rush—or the dreaded sugar crash that often follows.

It’s like getting the best of both worlds: a scientifically supported blend of ingredients that boost your focus and energy, all while steering clear of those empty calories that offer no real nutritional benefit. With Neutonic, it seems that it’s not just what you get; it’s also about what you avoid. And in this case, you’re avoiding the completely unnecessary sugars that can derail your health and your energy levels.

Cost Considerations for Neutonic

Considering the investment in Neutonic? A case containing 12 330ml cans is priced at approximately $34 or £24, which breaks down to just around $3 or £2 per can. Now, you might be wondering if it’s worth your money. When you stack it up against other drinks in its category, Neutonic not only holds its own but stands out. It’s competitively priced, matching the cost of many energy drinks on the market.

Neutonic is working on making single cans available for purchase.That way people can sample what Neutonic can offer them without buying a whole case.

But here’s where Neutonic shines: it’s not just about the price tag. Each can is a powerhouse of research-backed ingredients, all while being virtually calorie-free and sugarless. This isn’t just an energy drink; it’s a smart nutritional choice. You get a lot of what could only be found in a combination of expensive supplements in the past, but in a much more palatable format.

So, for the same price as other options, you’re getting a superior drink that’s designed to fuel your productivity without the drawbacks of sugar and excess calories. In that context it really does feel like value for money. You could say that with Neutonic, you’re not just buying a drink; you’re investing in your health and cognitive well-being.

How to Buy

Neutonic launched on Amazon in the US and UK with next-day delivery. Chris and James encourage people to try it if they struggle with focus, distraction, and fluctuating energy levels. The drink is designed to enhance your productivity today while supporting cognitive performance long-term.

It is also available from the official website.

All three flavors are available in cases of 12 330ml cans. Three flavors of Neutonic are currently in stock, but it does tend to sell out fast.


With the launch of Neutonic, Chris and James have created a uniquely focused productivity drink. Its research-backed formula and appealing flavor profile differentiate it in the market. It may offer help to those struggling with the demands of a scattered digital age. Early sales and reviews suggest it effectively delivers sustained energy, attention, and focus. As a new entrant in the nootropics and productivity space, Neutonic is one to watch.

Post-Launch Retrospective

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Just after the release of Neutonic James did a livestream to discuss the launch of his new nootropic productivity drink created in collaboration with Chris Williamson. In comparison to the polished launch video James’s livestream was presented in the down to earth and honest style he is known for. He actually provided a lot of new information, including future product ideas such as a caffeine-free version.

Some of the key point from the video include:

  1. Product Introduction: The drink is a nootropic energy drink, positioned as the “world’s first productivity drink,” although James acknowledges there are other similar drinks in the market (Magic Mind and Brite for example).
  2. Target Market and Use: The product is aimed at people seeking to enhance productivity, particularly for tasks like editing, scriptwriting, or working on a CV. It’s not recommended as a pre-workout drink for the gym.
  3. Ingredients and Benefits: The drink contains 120 milligrams of caffeine and other nootropics like L-Theanine, which helps mitigate caffeine jitters. It’s designed to assist with stress-induced fatigue and memory recall. James emphasizes the taste, claiming it’s superior to other nootropic drinks. The orange flavor has been likened to a more subtle tasting Tango or Fanta.
  4. Availability and Pricing: Initially available in the UK and USA via Amazon. James discusses the pricing, justifying the cost by comparing it to coffee prices and highlighting the additional benefits of the drink’s ingredients.
  5. Feedback and Return Policy: James encourages feedback and is open to refunds for unsatisfied customers. He emphasizes the importance of genuine reviews to establish the product’s credibility.
  6. Product Development and Vision: James shares insights into the development process, including the challenges of formulation and can design. He also expresses a desire to use any profits for sponsorships and productivity-related events.
  7. Future Plans: He discusses potential expansion into different markets and flavors, and the possibility of a caffeine-free version aimed at evening productivity.
  8. Personal Investment and Business Strategy: James outlines his personal and financial investment in the project, the involvement of a company called Genflow, and his strategy for growing the product’s market presence.
  9. Broader Vision: He shares his broader vision for the product, including its potential role in enhancing productivity and supporting various initiatives.

Throughout the discussion, James appears passionate about the product, confident in its formulation, and committed to its success. He also shows a readiness to engage with the audience for feedback and improvement.